Transfer Your Addictions

One of the most important things to remember when quitting marijuana is that you need to intentionally transfer your addiction to something else.

A big reason why people relapse, whether it is weed or alcohol or anything else, is that they didn’t actually replace the addiction with a new addiction.

And the reason why it is important to consciously choose the new addiction is because if you don’t consciously choose a new addiction then your brain will choose for you…and many times this can be another bad addiction such as eating or drinking alcohol.

In the past when I would try to quit weed I would turn to alcohol and within a month I would realize that I was almost better off smoking weed because I had near turned myself into an alcoholic by drinking everyday.  Other folks will turn to eating and end up gaining a lot of weight.

So if you consciously choose your new addiction then you have a huge head start.

Here are some ideas for new positive addictions:

  • Exercise
  • Yoga
  • Reading
  • Wim Hof Breathing Exercises (one of my personal favorites)
  • Meditation
  • Taking your dog for a walk
  • Gardening
  • Learning an instrument
  • Start a business

I personally transferred my addiction to exercise, wim hof breathing exercises, and gardening.

See it’s okay to have an addiction, just make sure that it is a positive addiction, something that will help you to become the best version of yourself.  I like to call this a, “magnificent obsession.”

So if you’re serious about quitting weed then right now take out your journal and write down some ideas for what you would like to replace your addiction with!


Quit Weed Course:

Wim Hof Method Course: