Using Alcohol to Quit Smoking Weed?


Quitting weed can be tough, especially if you were a daily user like I was for 17 years.  And so to alleviate the symptoms, some people use alcohol to help get through the initial withdrawal period and making the quitting process easier.

In fact, I used to do this same thing when in the past when I would take 30 day breaks or try to quit smoking weed.  It definitely helped!

But the problem was that I was just replacing one bad habit with another, and so I would end up drinking almost every single day during my 30 day “cleanses”.  Kinda silly when I think back on it.

As I have mentioned before, when quitting an addiction such as marijuana it is best to intentionally replace the addiction with a positive healthy habit such as exercise, not something like alcohol or pills.

In this video below I go more in depths on my thoughts and experience with using alcohol to quit weed.